Saturday 1 December 2012

Facebook Stats (November 2012)

Facebook Stats (November 2012)

Facebook is currently ranked No. 2 in the Alexa Rankings, with Google 1st in the list.

Quick Facts (November 2012)

  • 1 Billion active users worldwide. 
  • Approx. 81% outside US and Canada.
  • 604 million mobile users worldwide. (as of Sept. 2012)
  • 4,331 employees. (as of Sept. 2012)

Facebook Gifts

Facebook Gifts
Facebook introduced a new feature Gifts for gifting others on their birthdays, anniversaries, or many other celebrations. Instead of saying some greetings, Facebook users can now gift their friends. This featured was released on September 27, 2012 (Not yet in India, and other nations). (Facebook Gifts

Top 5 Countries

  1. USA (168 million)
  2. Brazil (61 million)
  3. India (60 million)
  4. Indonesia (49 million)
  5. Mexico (39 million)

Top 5 Pages

  1. Facebook for Every Phone (165 million)
  2. Facebook (81 million)
  3. Texas HoldEm Poker (66 million)
  4. YouTube (65 million) 
  5. Rihanna (62 million)


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